How to insert a micro SIM card into my new iPad 2

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For those who have lately Bought new Ipad2, i know you’ll facing an issue regarding how to place micro-Sim for your new ipad2. While you most likely be aware of iPad Wi-Fi 3rd generation utilizes a micro-Sim, below demonstrates how to get rid of or place the Micro Sim. Put the apple ipad 2 face lower on the soft surface and locate the SIM eject tool that included your apple ipad 2 or else you could utilize paper clip






  1. Place the SIM eject tool in to the hold within the SIM tray, then push firmly and push the SIM eject tool straight in before the tray come out. Press firmly and push the tool straight in before the tray jumps out. Without having a SIM eject tool, you should use the finish of the paper clip.
  2. Press firmly and push the tool straight in before the tray jumps out, then take out the SIM tray to get rid of or install the micro-Sim in the tray.
  3. After that you can take out the SIM tray completely and set the Sim onto it. After you have got the Sim around the tray, after that you can pop the tray into the apple ipad 2.
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